Experienced Dentist — Sinton, TX

Get to Know
Dr. Denise Hammond

Doctor Denise Hammond

Dr. Hammond has had an impressive 45+ year career in dentistry, and we’re fortunate that she has spent nearly three decades as part of our dental practice. She still has a passion for treating children and adolescents with the comfort of using nitrous oxide and helping them achieve optimal dental health as when she first started, and she can’t wait to share her vast experience with you while enabling you to reach your ideal smile.

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Sign on exterior of building that reads The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Dr. Hammond began her career as a dental hygienist back in 1974 after graduating from the UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry. After six years, she went back to UTHealth to earn her dental degree, and she also served there as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics for three years. She is a member of the American Dental Association and Texas Dental Association.


Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Collage featuring popular travel destinations like Paris

Dr. Hammond was born in Norman, OK and grew up in Las Vegas. She moved to Texas in 1973 and has been married to her husband, Clay, for over 40 years. They have two adult children and like to take trips to places like Belize, St. John and the British Virgin Islands, Cape Cod, and Paris. Whether at home or abroad, they enjoy spending plenty of time with friends and family.