Advanced Dental Technology – Sinton, TX

Using the Latest Technology to Achieve the Best Results

Table holding several advanced dental instruments in dental treatment room

Our office is equipped with modern dental technology, like our digital panoramic X-ray imaging machine and digital cavity detection system, so we can better diagnose problems at-hand and provide detailed treatment plans. Not only do these instruments help create a more streamlined experience at each of your visits, but they’re also safer and more effective than outdated diagnostic technology like film X-rays.

Digital Panoramic Dental X-Rays

Panoramic x ray of teeth on computer screen

Our digital dental X-ray device allows us to snap photos of the inner workings of your dental structure in a panoramic format, or ear-to-ear. This allows us to not only view all of your teeth and the soft and hard tissues that support them, but also the upper and lower jaw, to give us a greater idea of how each component of your facial structure works together. Because they’re digitally captured and stored, we can easily transfer them to specialists whenever necessary, and they’re immediately viewable as soon as they’re taken.

Digital Cavity Detection

Dentist using cavity detection scanner while examining a patient

Cavities can develop in a variety of hard-to-see areas within the mouth, including between teeth. This can make it difficult to pinpoint early signs of decay with the naked eye. Our team doesn’t leave anything up to chance, which is why we utilize a digital cavity detection system to illuminate any areas of decay within the mouth. That way, we can treat the issues as soon as possible, preventing it from progressing and leading to discomfort like dental sensitivity.

Intraoral Camera

Dental team member holding thin white intraoral camera

Our intraoral camera allows us to gain an up-close view of your mouth by capturing still images and video footage that we can display on a large chairside monitor. These allow us to help you better understand what oral health problems you may face, as well as how our recommended treatment plans can address them. As an excellent resource for dental education, intraoral cameras provide patients with a better, more informative overall experience.