Dental Crowns – Sinton, TX

Royal Treatment for Damaged Teeth

A smiling young woman about to receive dental care

When you have damaged or decayed teeth, the issue is often apparent. You might see a dark spot on your tooth or a chipped or cracked area. Luckily, there’s a way to fix this problem that makes a smile prettier and stronger: dental crowns! These caps from Garza & Associates will protect and beautify your teeth. To learn more about how they work, keep reading or call our office for details.

What is a Dental Crown?

A 3D illustration of a dental crown going over a tooth

Put simply, a dental crown is a “cap” placed on a weak or damaged tooth. The object’s role is to restore the affected area and protect it from further harm. Often, a crown can be made from zirconia, EMAX, gold, or dental porcelain.

Given the above, an ideal crown candidate has one (or more) of the following:

  • A very worn or broken tooth
  • Cavities that can’t be treated with standard fillings
  • A root canal-treated tooth that needs a cover
  • Misshapen or discolored teeth
  • Teeth at risk of future fractures

All that said, consult our dentists before you commit to anything. They can perform an oral exam and assess your teeth. From there, they’ll confirm whether a dental crown suits you.

The Dental Crown Process

A lab worker making dental crowns

Following the consultation, a standard crown procedure takes two appointments. The first one “preps” your tooth for its future restoration. Meanwhile, the second actually places your final crown.

Again, the first visit preps your tooth for the prosthetic. This process mainly removes bits of the pearly white’s enamel. (In doing so, it ensures the crown will fit snugly.) From there, the dental team will make an impression of the prepped tooth. Technicians will use the resulting model to craft your final crown. While they’re doing so, though, you’ll wear a temporary restoration.

You’ll receive your final crown at the second appointment. The placement doesn’t take long, nor does it require any sedation. Your dentist will just make minor adjustments to ensure the fit is good. Once the crown is fully in place, we’ll then polish it. You’ll then be ready to enjoy your restored smile!

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

A smiling woman who just received a dental crown

Without treatment, a damaged tooth will lead to long-term oral problems. Thankfully, a dental crown avoids such obstacles with its many benefits. These perks include:

  • Beautiful Looks – By using high-grade material, our dental crowns are tooth-colored and lifelike. You can trust them to blend seamlessly with your smile.
  • Tooth Protection – A dental crown is durable enough to protect an at-risk tooth from harm. As a result, it’ll keep you from needing a root canal or tooth extraction.
  • Versatile Effects – Dental crowns are versatile enough to fix several oral problems. Such issues include cavities, tooth chips, fractures, and more!
  • Lasting Results – Given proper care, a dental crown can last 15 years or more. As such, remember to brush, floss, and see your dentist often!