Cosmetic Dentist – Sinton, TX

Give Yourself a Reason to Smile

Blonde woman smiling outdoors

Feeling good about your appearance doesn’t just mean liking the clothes you wear or how you style your hair. It also means appreciating your smile. If imperfections like tooth cracks, stains, and chips are keeping you from embracing greater confidence, call our dental office to find out how we can use cosmetic dentistry to address these issues and ultimately, give you a reason to smile.

Why Choose Anthony C Garza DDS for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • In-Office & Take-Home Teeth Whitening Available
  • Complete, Fully Customized Smile Makeovers
  • Dentists with 30+ Years of Experience


Young woman getting dental veneers from her cosmetic dentist

Small (yet still noticeable) tooth gaps, cracks, chips, stains, misshapen teeth, and even minor misalignment can all be fixed with dental veneers. Designed using sleek, natural-looking porcelain, these thin sheaths cover the front of teeth to hide any imperfections. They’re custom-made and put into place in just two appointments, but they do require a small bit of enamel to be removed. Once the veneers are adhered to your teeth, you can enjoy a transformational smile that can last a decade or longer.

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Several dental crowns on table with dental instruments

Porcelain dental crowns and tooth-colored fillings are just some of the metal-free restorations we provide in-house. When tooth damage or decay keeps you from feeling good about your smile, not only will these customized restorations improve the health of your teeth, but they’ll also give you a more confident appearance because of how well they blend with existing pearly whites.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Close up of dental patient receiving cosmetic dental bonding on a tooth

Minor tooth imperfections don’t need extensive or invasive cosmetic dentistry procedures. Instead, we can use cosmetic bonding. Turning to composite resin, the same that is used for tooth-colored fillings, we will match it to the shade of your enamel so that we can apply it directly to the tooth’s surface and shape it to cover the imperfection. Once cured and polished, you’ll be on your way with a new and improved smile, and it only takes one appointment!

Teeth Whitening

Woman getting professional teeth whitening in dental office

Many patients choose to purchase store-bought whitening kits, but if you want to ensure that your teeth remain safe and healthy while working toward a brighter grin, try professional teeth whitening. Offering in-office solutions as well as take-home kits, you can whiten your smile by several shades in just one hour or two weeks, depending on which method you choose.

Smile Makeovers

Close up of person smiling with straight white teeth

Complex smile imperfections will likely require more than just one form of treatment. In these instances, we can craft a personalized smile makeover that includes multiple cosmetic dentistry services that meet your needs. Whether you need teeth whitening and veneers or cosmetic bonding and metal-free restorations, we'll create a plan that addresses each issue accordingly so that your new smile is something you can be proud to show off.