Benefits of a Dental Checkup Early in the Year

December 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgarzadental @ 2:30 am

Toothbrush and dentist appointment on calendar The new year is almost here! As you work on your New Year’s resolutions list, don’t forget to schedule an appointment with your dentist for a cleaning and checkup. Although brushing and flossing reduce your risk of tooth decay, they aren’t enough to keep tooth loss at bay. The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist every 6 months. While you have all year to make an appointment, here are 5 benefits of scheduling a cleaning and checkup early in 2024.

1. Ensure Your Teeth are Clean

Your toothbrush and floss remove food residue and plaque to keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, there are areas you can’t clean at home, like below the gum line. Tartar buildup can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease. 

A semi-annual dental cleaning removes accumulations missed by brushing and flossing. Your dental hygienist will clean and polish your teeth to start the new year with a sparkling clean smile.

2. Early Detection of Dental Problems

Poor oral hygiene and snacking more during the holidays can be bad news for your dental health. A dental checkup will ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. Your dentist can spot enamel loss or gum inflammation in the early stages to treat the issue before it turns into a big problem. 

With your oral and general wellness connected, a dental checkup will support a healthy mouth and body.

3. Reduce the Risk of Dental Emergencies

Did you know that 1 in 6 Americans experiences a dental emergency every year? Many emergencies are caused by untreated dental problems, like cavities. 

Early detection and treatment will lessen your risk of an unplanned trip to your dentist later in the year.

4. Lower Your Overall Dental Expenses

Preventive dental care is proven to reduce your oral health expenses overall. Research has found that every $1 of preventive care can save up to $50 on restorative and emergency dentistry. You’ll reach optimum oral health to save money down the road.

5. Maximize Your Dental Insurance

Your dental insurance benefits reset on January 1st. Your premiums give you access to comprehensive dental care for reduced costs. Dental insurance covers 100% of the expenses for preventive dentistry after a co-payment. Your coverage will pay 50% to 80% of the costs for common dental work after reaching your deductible. 

Unfortunately, less than 3% of Americans reach their yearly limits. Scheduling an appointment early in the year gives you a head start to make the most of your dental insurance.

As you focus on your goals for the year, add a dental cleaning and checkup to your checklist. 

About Dr. Ralph Martin

Dr. Martin strives to help each patient achieve optimal oral health using the latest innovations in dentistry. After earning his dental degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center, he has committed to regularly continuing his training in various specialties, including oral cancer and general dentistry. Dr. Martin is a proud member of several professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. Contact his office at (361) 364-4410 to schedule an appointment.

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